We are fundamental Christians who love the Lord Jesus and believe that God sent an end time message to restore the Word of God. We desire to faithfully keep His Word. The Bible tells us to search the Scriptures in this end time dispensation. (John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.)
There has been so much misunderstanding about the scriptures, Almighty God, out of compassion and mercy, sent us Bro William Branham who was a twentieth century prophet to lead the church into the restored Word of God.
The Bible tells us that the Word came to the Prophet and in Amos we read: (Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets).
The Book of Malachi tells us in Malachi 4:5 “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD”: We believe that this prophecy has been fulfilled through the ministry of Brother William Marrion Branham. Brother Branham was told to store up the end time food.
62-0601 – “Taking Sides With Jesus”
103 You remember what that dream, that I got the interpretation, was? “Go back and store up Food.” Where was the storehouse? This tabernacle. Where is there anything like it in the country, around here anywhere, that will compare with the Message that we have?
62-0601 – “Taking Sides With Jesus”
105 It’s on tapes. It’ll go worldwide on the tapes, where people in their houses. Them tapes will fall right into the hands of the predestinated of God. He can direct the Word. He’ll direct everything just exactly to its course. That’s the reason He sent me back to do this. “Store up the Food here.”
We believe in Water Baptism according to Acts 2:38. With baptism comes the promise of the gift of the Holy Ghost. We know from the scriptures that the Holy Ghost is our teacher and the Holy Ghost will always take us back to the Bible.
To find out more about the Ministry of Brother Branham visit: https://branham.org/home